Debbie Hepplewhite’s hub – linking to her synthetic phonics programmes, resources, training, free resources – and international research findings

The FREE ‘DfE-validated’ Phonics International programme
This is Debbie’s original phonics programme – ‘validated’ by the Department for Education in England and used in many countries and contexts. Provided online as an extensive range of printable/projectable resources, it is suitable for all ages whether English is the main or additional language. This outstanding body of work is comprehensive, supportive, flexible and effective and can be used for both mainstream and intervention purposes in schools and/or in the home. Like all Debbie’s phonics programmes, the underpinning rationale is ‘Two-pronged systematic AND incidental phonics teaching and learning’ supported by the use of Debbie’s ever-present, overview Alphabetic Code Charts. See Debbie’s ‘Reviews/Literacy’ blog. LEARN MOREThe ready-made, ‘DfE-validated’ No Nonsense Phonics programme
Based on the key elements found in the Phonics International programme, Debbie’s No Nonsense Phonics is a ready-made programme (including 9 paper-based pick-up-and-go Pupil Books and 9 parallel Teacher Books, with additional printable or projectable resources provided via a USB stick). Ready-made supplementary resources are also available to buy such as Frieze, Flash Cards, Sounds Mats etc. These can also be used optionally with the Phonics International programme. No Nonsense Phonics has received wide acclaim for its suitability as a mainstream phonics programme for infants and also for targeted support and intervention for infants and juniors. See Debbie’s ‘Reviews/Literacy’ blog. LEARN MOREPhonics Training Online
Phonics Training Online is a comprehensive and highly practical (extremely inexpensive) self-study ‘systematic synthetic phonics’ training course which provides masses of helpful links and resources. The content is suitable for individuals or whole-school training – for teachers, teaching assistants, tutors, home-schoolers and educationalists.
LEARN MOREThe ‘DfE-validated’ Floppy’s Phonics programme (published by Oxford University Press)
Debbie worked with a team from Oxford University Press to create the Oxford Reading Tree Floppy’s Phonics ‘systematic synthetic phonics’ programme. This is an outstanding and unique body of work featuring a digital, interactive platform to support teachers in content-delivery; a comprehensive series of ready-made, stunning, phonics Sounds Books and Reading Books (and other ready-made resources such as Frieze and Flash Cards); and paper-based Activity Books (or Activity Sheets and Cumulative Texts) for rich, individual practice. Ideal for infant schools (and junior learners when English is a new language), the programme is the perfect complement to the Oxford Reading Tree series with the much-loved characters: Biff, Chip, Kipper – and Floppy, the dog! LEARN MOREFREE Phonics Resources for Nursery
Debbie has been asked many times for guidance about early phonics for pre-schoolers – the three+ to four+ year old age range – that is, what to do PRIOR to introducing a full, systematic synthetic phonics teaching programme. Phonics International Ltd provides two main sets of free resources for pre-schoolers featuring alphabet letters (capital and lower case) with phonics (introducing sounds, not letter names): Teeny Reading Seeds (non-systematic, inspired and co-written with literacy advisor, Rachel Hornsby) and Debbie’s two Phonics and Talk Time books (systematic and cumulative). The two Phonics and Talk Time books include activities to introduce the three core phonics skills and their sub-skills for reading, handwriting and spelling. The books also encourage plenty of chatter (conversations) plus oral blending and oral segmenting with any and all of the 44 sounds identifiable in English speech. These two Phonics and Talk Time books are also available as ready-made books to buy – suitable in pre-school settings and in the home. LEARN MORESynthetic Phonics Training
Debbie has delivered training to thousands of teachers in hundreds of schools in various countries to the benefit of countless children around the world. The majority of Debbie’s time is now taken up with product development and consultancy and guidance via Zoom meetings. Debbie is the first to say that the most important ingredient for good training and ‘professional understanding’ is spending the time to focus on guidance that is free and available via our websites. Debbie challenges the idea that schools need to buy into expensive training – if the programmes and their websites are good enough, she says, this should not be needed. LEARN MOREFree Alphabetic Code Charts
Did you know that the English alphabetic code is the most complex alphabetic code in the world? Debbie has created a wide range of ‘giant’ and ‘mini’ (A4 tabletop) Alphabetic Code Charts as free printables and also ready-made charts that can be purchased – as preferred. Debbie’s Alphabetic Code Charts are used around the world in various settings – in homes, infant and primary classrooms, secondary school student planners, libraries and for teacher-training and in university teacher-training literature – and in other people’s literature! See the short video providing information and explanation of Debbie’s wide range of overview Alphabetic Code Charts. A handful of charts for ‘Other Languages’ are provided to show the contrast between the complexities of the English alphabetic code compared to other alphabetic codes. LEARN MOREGiant and Mini Alphabetic Code Charts to purchase
See the latest design of Debbie’s ‘pull-up’ and ‘hang-down’ Giant Alphabetic Code Chart. These charts can be used as a generic alphabetic code chart to complement, or supplement, other phonics programmes and general phonics and spelling provision. The colour-coding also makes them an ideal match with the Phonics International programme, Debbie’s FREE Series of 8 eBooks (a compilation of some core Phonics International resources provided as printable pdfs), and the No Nonsense Phonics programme. LEARN MORELIVE Phonics Training/CPD via Video Conferencing
There are a number of videos available via our websites and YouTube featuring Debbie’s phonics training and her wider contribution to literacy. Whole staff training can be expensive. We understand that! While the intimacy of face-to-face training can be inspirational, we believe we have found a good substitute at a fraction of the price to provide Debbie’s personal support: Introducing our ‘Bespoke Live Staff Phonics Training/CPD via Online Video Conferencing’. The next-best thing to having the ‘real Debbie’ in your school is to interact with her via a ‘Webinar’. LEARN MOREDebbie’s FREE Alphabet and Handwriting resources and training
This website is dedicated to the teaching of print and fully-joined handwriting. Free alphabet and handwriting resources and three demonstration video presentations of effective teaching are available. Two ‘optional’ handwriting booklets can be purchased as life-time pdfs. Debbie’s approach to teaching fully-joined handwriting is very quick, effective and really great for first-time teaching (7+) and remediation for older learners. LEARN MOREUK Reading Reform Foundation
The RRF is an organisation dedicated to campaigning for better teaching of reading in the English language. Debbie was on the RRF committee (originally as newsletter editor) from 2000 to 2023. LEARN MOREIFERI
Debbie is on the founding committee of The International Foundation for Effective Reading Instruction (IFERI). This is a not-for-profit organisation that includes researchers, educators and parents from around the world. The ‘Forum’ includes a wealth of recommended reading, research and international developments. LEARN MORE